from 2013

Accettati is a project on portraying conscience. An investigation about the limit of auto representation between inside and outside, which includes
drawings, paintings, costumes, and photos
Like an intimacy time , a research on the world of monsters.
Move to the questions about fear perception.
Who are the monsters?
How do they live with us?
When they grow up in ourselves?

"La compresenza di visibile e invisibile è ciò che alimenta la vita.
Noi arriviamo a riconoscere la straordinaria importanza dell’invisibile soltanto quando ci lascia soli, quando ci volge le spalle e scompare come…, come yahwè sul golgota. Il grandioso compito di una cultura che voglia alimentare la vita, dunque, consiste nel mantenere gli invisibili attaccati a sé, gli dei sorridenti e soddisfatti: nell’invitarli a rimanere con riti propiziatori e cerimonie; con canti e danze, addobbi e litanie; con feste annuali e commemorazioni; con grandi dottrine come quella dell’incarnazione e con piccoli gesti intuitivi, come toccare legno, sgranare il rosario, tenere addosso una zampa di coniglio o un dente di squalo;….o un portafortuna sopra il cruscotto; o deponendo in silenzio un fiore sopra una pietra lucidata."
"There are yet further questions regarding the relations between visible and invisible. Why make a bridge, anyway? Plotinus said: “It’s for them to come to me, not for me to go to them.” Maybe they don’t want to come visiting. Or, maybe they are already here, like the angels in Wim Wenders’s films? We cannot know, since our theories of perception do not permit their appearance. They may not be invisible at all, but only seem so because declared so by our doctrinal blinding. Is it their nature or our vision that defines them as invisible?"
James Hillman,
The Soul’s Code

Accettati, pencil on paper, 21x29 cm, 2014

Accettati, About Mostro Marino, ink on paper, 21X29 cm 2015
In the beginning I draw my monsters by investigating my dream world. When the inhibitory mask gets down, I portray and describe them. At the end of the visions, I wish to sew them, dress up, and research the space where celebrates our warm reception.
Accettati could be a collective project, like the experience in Orleans in 2016, Les Monstres, festival curated by Xavier Girard in 108 Orleans.
I invite everyone to explore “monstrum”.
A different way to meditate on what we hide inside. A personal mood to live the space, a breakthrough, an impulse. Pheraps we separate monstrum from devil is hard to make a judgment. If we think about a hero, it has monster power.
Now the knowledge of the balance between evil and good probably would be conceived. The monstrous meance was prodigious and wonderfull.
The hero, the enemy, and the anti-hero, we note the refrain.
Is it this time for a hero?

Accettati, Orlando, acrylic and water color on paper, A4, 2015.

Accettati, , autoportrait 2015 (Aubervillier 95, Paris)

Accettati, ink on cotton paper, 27x40cm, 2015
Bestiarium: Sketch and Photo

Accettati, il testamento del notaio al telefono , autoportrait 2015 (Aubervillier 95, Paris)

Accettati, cuore, mix media, 2016 (Orleans)

How to create your monster?
The zero edition of the Festival Les Monstres, curated by XAvier Girard, supported by Le Café des enfants d'Orléans and La Ressource AAA.

l’affiché by Julien Hanriot-Colin aka ENERGOL